
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250221
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250221
- 중3/중3 지학민
- · 2025. 2. 21.

중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250128
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250128
- 중3/중3 지학민
- · 2025. 1. 28.
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250226영문법자료카페 https://cafe.naver.com/unlimitedgrammar 무한문법 : 네이버 카페중등수준 영어문법 학습자료cafe.naver.com
중3 지학민 2과 본문문제 20250224 영문법자료카페 https://cafe.naver.com/unlimitedgrammar 무한문법 : 네이버 카페중등수준 영어문법 학습자료cafe.naver.com
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250221
중3 지학민 1과 본문문제 20250128
중3영어 지학민 8과 본문어휘선택문제 20241118 단어 선택 문제 (Word Choice Questions) 1. Pascal was doing his (math / history) homework. 2. He was struggling with (graphs / numbers). 3. “It’s too hard to read and (draw / erase) graphs.” 4. Pascal put down his (pen / book) and picked up his favorite book. 5. His favorite book was (Robin Hood / Sherlock Holmes). 6. Pascal heard a (voice / noise) when he was about ..
중3영어 지학민 7과 본문어휘선택문제 20241118 단어 선택 문제 (Word Choice Questions) 1. Different people live in different (houses / cities). 2. Some use (ladders / bridges) to enter their houses. 3. Others live in houses on the (water / ground). 4. Imagine you live in one of these (houses / apartments). 5. If I lived in a (pueblo / tulou), I would climb up a ladder to enter my house. 6. There’s a (hidden / visible)..