중1 비상김 5과 예상문제 20240929


중1 비상김 5과 예상문제 20240929

중1 비상김 5과 예상문제 20240929.hwp


[1] 빈칸 채우기 (Fill in the Blanks)

(10, 각 문항 2)

다음 문장에서 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 넣으세요.


1. Sam, Jesse, and Anthony are ahead of the other ______.

2. Behind the door, the greatest ______ waits for them.

3. The first number is the ______ of the three.

4. The second number is 5 more than the ______ number.

5. All the numbers add up to ______.


[2] /거짓 문제 (True or False)

(10, 각 문항 2)

다음 문장이 참(T)인지 거짓(F)인지 고르세요.


6. The boys run through the forest to find the treasure. (T/F)

7. The third number is 2 more than the first number. (T/F)

8. Sam uses math to open the lock. (T/F)

9. The numbers they need to find are from 1 to 10. (T/F)

10. Sam finally wins the biggest diamond in the world. (T/F)
