중1 동아윤 6과 예상문제 20241008


1 동아윤 6과 예상문제 20241008

중1 동아윤 6과 예상문제 20241008.hwp


[2] /거짓 문제 (True or False)

(10, 각 문항 2)

다음 문장이 참(T)인지 거짓(F)인지 고르세요.


6. Inha's team went to Green Park to report on the Teen Music Festival itself. (T/F)

7. The park looked clean and smelled good when Inha arrived. (T/F)

8. The news director liked Inha’s report after checking it. (T/F)

9. The park manager said that cleaning the trash could be done in one day. (T/F)

10. Inha was proud of her report on the evening news. (T/F)
