중1 시사송 5과 예상문제 20240929
중1 시사송 5과 예상문제 20240929.hwp
[2] 참/거짓 문제 (True or False)
(총 10점, 각 문항 2점)
다음 문장이 참(T)인지 거짓(F)인지 고르세요.
6. Sea otters live in groups of 5 to 50. (T/F)
7. Sea otters sometimes hold hands while they sleep to avoid being washed away by the waves. (T/F)
8. Meerkats live in the forest and do not face many enemies. (T/F)
9. One meerkat watches for enemies while others rest or find food. (T/F)
10. The sea otters sleep on their backs in the sea, and some babies stay on their mother’s stomach. (T/F)
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