too..to부정사 예문(1)
She was too tired to finish the race.
(그녀는 경주를 끝내기에 너무 피곤했다.)
The bag was too heavy to carry.
(가방은 들기에 너무 무거웠다.)
The movie was too boring to watch until the end.
(영화는 끝까지 보기에 너무 지루했다.)
The book was too difficult to read in one sitting.
(책은 한 번에 다 읽기에 너무 어려웠다.)
The room was too small to fit all the furniture.
(방은 모든 가구를 넣기에 너무 작았다.)
The music was too loud to concentrate on studying.
(음악은 공부에 집중하기에 너무 시끄러웠다.)
The restaurant was too crowded to find a table.
(음식점은 테이블을 찾기에 너무 혼잡했다.)
The traffic was too congested to get to work on time.
(교통이 너무 막혀서 제시간에 출근하기 어려웠다.)
The water was too cold to swim in comfortably.
(물은 편안하게 수영하기에 너무 차갑다.)
The dog was too aggressive to approach safely.
(개는 안전하게 접근하기에 너무 공격적이었다.)
The package was too large to fit in the mailbox.
(소포는 우체통에 넣기에 너무 컸다.)
The line at the grocery store was too long to wait in.
(슈퍼마켓 줄은 기다리기에 너무 길었다.)
The instructions were too complicated to follow easily.
(지시사항은 쉽게 따르기에 너무 복잡했다.)
The price was too high to afford.
(가격은 감당하기에 너무 비쌌다.)
The weather was too hot to go for a run.
(날씨는 달리기에 너무 더웠다.)
The puzzle was too challenging to solve quickly.
(퍼즐은 빨리 풀기에 너무 어려웠다.)
The suitcase was too heavy to lift alone.
(여행가방은 혼자 들기에 너무 무거웠다.)
The hill was too steep to climb without proper gear.
(언덕은 적절한 장비 없이 오르기에 너무 가파르다.)
The problem was too complex to solve without help.
(문제는 도움 없이 해결하기에 너무 복잡했다.)
The distance was too far to walk in one day.
(거리는 하루에 걸어가기에 너무 멀었다.)
'중3수준 문법 예문 및 설명 > too...to부정사' 카테고리의 다른 글
[중3] too...to부정사 과제학습지(1) (0) | 2023.07.20 |