중2 지학민 1과 어휘학습지
중2 지학민 1과 어휘학습지
- 중2/중2 지학민
- · 2024. 12. 23.
중3 지학민 5과 어휘학습지
중3 지학민 5과 어휘학습지
- 중3/중3 지학민
- · 2024. 9. 24.
중2 지학민 1과 어휘학습지
중3영어 지학민 8과 본문어휘선택문제 20241118 단어 선택 문제 (Word Choice Questions) 1. Pascal was doing his (math / history) homework. 2. He was struggling with (graphs / numbers). 3. “It’s too hard to read and (draw / erase) graphs.” 4. Pascal put down his (pen / book) and picked up his favorite book. 5. His favorite book was (Robin Hood / Sherlock Holmes). 6. Pascal heard a (voice / noise) when he was about ..
중3영어 지학민 7과 본문어휘선택문제 20241118 단어 선택 문제 (Word Choice Questions) 1. Different people live in different (houses / cities). 2. Some use (ladders / bridges) to enter their houses. 3. Others live in houses on the (water / ground). 4. Imagine you live in one of these (houses / apartments). 5. If I lived in a (pueblo / tulou), I would climb up a ladder to enter my house. 6. There’s a (hidden / visible)..
중1 지학민 5과 예상문제 20240929[1] 빈칸 채우기 (Fill in the Blanks) (총 10점, 각 문항 2점) 다음 문장에서 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 넣으세요. 1. Sora is studying about ______ jobs. 2. In the future, people will go on ______ tours. 3. ______ will be there to help people during space tours. 4. ______ counselors will help people choose the right robots. 5. People will use robots to clean their houses or ______ meals. [2] 참/거짓 문제 (True or Fa..
중3 지학민 5과 어휘학습지