중3영어 동아윤 7과 본문어휘선택문제 20241119
단어 선택 문제 (Word Choice Questions)
1. Big data is data sets that are very (big / small) and complex.
2. The amount of data is much (greater / smaller) than before.
3. Almost everything we do online leaves a (trace / gap).
4. Photos you upload and purchase records are part of (big data / small data).
5. Simply (collecting / using) data is not enough.
6. Big data must be (analyzed / erased) to be useful.
7. Big data can help make decisions or (predict / control) the future.
8. Big data helps companies understand their (customers / employees) better.
9. It helps people avoid (heavy traffic / public transportation).
10. Health professionals can now forecast a (disease / disaster) using big data.
무한문법 intermediate : 네이버 카페
중등수준 영어문법 학습자료
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